Professor Emeritus of Geological Sciences


I received a botany degree from Swarthmore and a PhD in atmospheric sciences from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In 1972, I joined John Imbrie and R.K. Matthews to study Quaternary climates, as CLIMAP was starting. I added a terrestrial paleoclimate and paleovegetation focus to their paleoceanographic perspective on earth system history. Once COHMAP (Cooperative Holocene Mapping Project) began in 1977, I worked with colleagues at Wisconsin, Minnesota, Oxford, Durham, Lamont, Brown, and Oregon to compile large data sets, to interpret them in climate terms, and to compare the results with climate-model simulations of the past 21,000 years. Key results appeared in Science in 1988, in a joint-edited book in 1993 and in an issue of Quaternary Science Reviews in 1998. In 1996, I and Jeff Donnelly began studying the sedimentary record of land-falling hurricanes. I retired in 2005 and continue teaching in Summer and Continuing Studies at Brown.

Brown Affiliations

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